Senator Khalwale Fiercely Attacked at Funeral... - FARMERCIST 254


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Monday, 13 June 2016

Senator Khalwale Fiercely Attacked at Funeral...

Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale was over the weekend publicly confronted by an angry woman for playing politics at a funeral in the County. Mr Khalwale was in the middle of an address tearing down Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, when the enraged lady took the microphone from him, cutting short his speech. She firmly warned the legislator against criticising Mr Oparanya at the funeral stating emphatically that they would not take it anymore. “Why are you talking about Governor Oparanya when burying a woman is a domestic affair? Do your work and let the Governor do his work,” the woman stated. The scene almost turned violent when Khalwale's bodyguards moved in to stop the lady from confronting the legislator. Mr Khalwale, however, walked away from the charged woman and affirmed that her sentiments were right. Politicians are known for taking politics to every event including funerals and church services where they launch attacks on their rivals. Senator Khalwale has been at loggerheads with the Kakamega Governor for a long time and has severally challenged his leadership. The Senator has declared that he would unseat Oparanya come next year's elections. Here is the video courtesy of KTN:

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